HomeEntertainmentKristen Louelle Gaffney defends men

Kristen Louelle Gaffney defends men

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Kristen Louelle Gaffney defends men against a hypocritical narrativeKristen Louelle Gaffney defends men against a hypocritical narrative

Kristen Louelle Gaffney, wife of former NFL running back Tyler Gaffney and cohost of the podcast “Barely Filtered,” has spoken out against a negative narrative about men.

In an appearance on “OutKick The Morning” with Charly Arnolt, she criticized the hypocrisy of leftists who oppress men but cannot define what a woman is.

Gaffney emphasized that men have done an amazing job of building this country, pointing out that 98% of construction and electricity jobs are held by men.

Kristen Louelle Gaffney on her @SI_Swimsuit Journey@DaynaDevon
https://t.co/SUyUZnSiN1 pic.twitter.com/Zd3SjT52wj

— KTLA Entertainment (@ktlaENT) July 28, 2021

She questioned why men are being demeaned when society is still thriving and has great opportunities without demeaning other groups of people.

She argued that men and women should embrace their differences and support each other instead of trying to tear each other down. Gaffney emphasized that women and men have their own strengths and weaknesses, and that these should be recognized and supported.

Image of Kristen Louelle Gaffney wearing a green jumpsuit
Video: Kristen Louelle Gaffney in Jumpsuit

She also spoke personally about her husband, saying that while he could be a feminist’s worst nightmare, he was the most attractive man in the world to her.

She played on the traditional role of men as protectors, saying that she would call a man for help in an emergency.

Kristen Louelle Gaffney is additionally recognized as a Sports Illustrated model and was seen carrying a MAGA bag to a Super Bowl party, thereby emphasizing her political stance. She and her husband are also collaborators in the home fitness company Zeno Gym.

Her comments on “OutKick The Morning” echo the editorial stance of the show, which is hosted by Charly Arnolt and is renowned for its unfiltered approach to sports, culture, and politics. OutKick, founded by Clay Travis and now under Fox’s ownership, serves as a platform for opinions that oppose prevailing political correctness and cancellation culture.

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